WATCH: Beautiful Berkshire County Cub Caught on Camera (VIDEO)
We're getting closer and closer to spring and here in Berkshire County, some of our wildlife counterparts are already making an appearance. There have been recent videos and photos posted to Berkshire Facebook pages of bear sightings, a sign that spring is almost here. In addition, there's been a decent amount of bobcat activity in Berkshire County.
I'm not sure if it's the fact that people have their phones handy or something else but last summer seemed like Berkshire County had an uptick in backyard visits from bears, to the point where I was writing about and sharing the videos on a weekly basis. It's funny because my co-workers would say things like, "if I see one more bear video....blah blah blah" lol. However, there's no doubt that some of these bear videos are quite entertaining and people do enjoy watching them at least that's what it seems like when you look at the number of shares, likes, and comments for the video posts in these Facebook groups.
An exceptionally adorable video was recently shared by Sally Naser of CR Wildlife Cams. This video features a cub exploring and checking out the camera. This is guaranteed to turn a bad mood into a good one. I'm betting this will put a smile on your face.
Now that's a great way to start off and/or end your day. Have you seen any bubby sightings yet this year?
By the way, speaking of bear activity, check out these 12 bears that were caught on camera in and around the Berkshires. This will make for a fun viewing experience.