The Parks Commission in Adams is at a loss over what to do about the dog waste that's littering the town. And earlier this month folks were venting their displeasure on facebook about people not picking up the dog waste after their dogs do their business. reports that Selectman James Bush brought his concerns about dog feces on the popular Ashuwillticook Rail Trail and other areas of Adams. The commissioners asked if it was an issue of the bag dispensers provided for dog owners being empty.

Bush said people often just steal the bags. Selectman Joseph Nowak said the state Department of Conservation and Recreation is responsible for the trail from Lanesborough to the Park Street crossing. The town is responsible for the rest of the trail north to Lime Street.

Bush said there have been early discussions about creating a dog area at the proposed park where the former Hoosac Valley Coal and Grain building stands, but Commissioner Cynthia Bird added that this could make the issue worse. Byrd added that the problem goes beyond the rail trail and dog waste can be found throughout town.

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