Overdoses From Opioids Took An Upswing Last Week
After the last week in the North Adams area, it seemed like we heard about more overdoses going for the first time in a while.
I was in the ER last week with a bum foot when a mother had brought her daughter in who overdosed,I don't think this was the first time the mother had dealt with this situation, by the way she reacted to the situation as whole. Then the next day I had heard three more overdoses had occured. I know it happens more than a lot of us know.
Some estimate that as many as 20 overdoses have occurred in our area including one fatality.
The Berkshire Eagle reports that a warning has come from local officials amid a spate of recent overdoses. They are asking opioid users to take precautions and warning that a particularly dangerous batch of heroin could be moving through the Northern Berkshires
I think the biggest thing that I have read lately on so many websites, is that most people overdose when they are alone, and make sure if you use, have Narcan (Naloxone) with you.
If you don't have naloxone you can get it at Tapestry, 6 West Main North Adams and they can train you right there. It is a judgment-free zone.
You can get naloxone without a prescription at area pharmacies (CVS, Big Y, Rite Aid, Walmart pharmacy) and they can train you to use it too. Healthy Steps (510 North St. Pittsfield building door 6) has naloxone.
You can also find Narcan at MCLA Wellness Center,289 Church St., North Adams
You can get Naloxone free of charge at Learn to Cope Meetings HEAL Community Room; BMC Cancer Center 165 Tor Court, Pittsfield, MA. Contact them to find out how you can get yours. https://www.learn2cope.org/
Kenna Waterman has a facebook page that tries to help people who are struggling with opioid abuse. I met Kenna years ago when she shared her story of losing her son Josh who was murdered as a result of his addiction to heroin, on the air at WUPE., she also runs a support group. Check out her facebook page Josh Bressette Commit to save a life, she gives out a lot of good information to people who are looking for help as they struggle with their addiction.
Facts about overdose
Drug overdose is a leading cause of injury death in the United States. Among people 25 to 64 years old, drug overdose causes more deaths than motor vehicle accidents.
About 60 percent of overdose deaths involve prescription drugs.
One of the most common places family members find a loved one who has overdosed is in their room alone.
An overdose usually occurs within 1-3 hours after using the drug.
Overdose can happen with first-time use.
mass.gov/dpt of health
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