
Car Radios Were Almost Banned In Massachusetts?
Car Radios Were Almost Banned In Massachusetts?
Car Radios Were Almost Banned In Massachusetts?
Did you know when automakers first introduced radios in early automobiles, many didn't embrace this new way of listening to your local radio station on the go? Many lawmakers and even concerned citizens opted to ban car radios for being too noisy and distracting for drivers. Distracted driving, sounds familiar right?
Warming Up Your Car In Massachusetts Can Cost You In The Long Run
Warming Up Your Car In Massachusetts Can Cost You In The Long Run
Warming Up Your Car In Massachusetts Can Cost You In The Long Run
Warming up your car for more than 5 minutes while not being near or in it, is illegal in the state of Massachusetts since it's not a law regulated by any towns. Now it doesn't mean a police officer is driving around looking for idling vehicles because who has time for that honestly? It mainly has to do with the fact that you're putting yourself at risk of someone stealing your car or the exhaust possibly entering your home which causes carbon monoxide.
Is It Legal To Decorate Your Car For Christmas In Massachusetts?
Is It Legal To Decorate Your Car For Christmas In Massachusetts?
Is It Legal To Decorate Your Car For Christmas In Massachusetts?
While it may be legal to put lights on your vehicle to a certain extent, it is illegal however to display and kind of lighting that will obstruct your visibility to drive. Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but you also take the risk of blinding other drivers as well. No specific law exists in Massachusetts or in the United States, however if you get caught with Christmas lights on your in the U.K., you can get slapped with a $1,000 fine and a ban from driving! Harsh right? But again, all countries are different.
REMINDER: It Is Illegal To Warm Up Your Car In Massachusetts
REMINDER: It Is Illegal To Warm Up Your Car In Massachusetts
REMINDER: It Is Illegal To Warm Up Your Car In Massachusetts
According to WWLP 22 News, warming up your car for more than 5 minutes while not being near or in it, is illegal in the state of Massachusetts since it's not a law regulated by any towns. Now it doesn't mean a police officer is driving around looking for idling vehicles because who has time for that honestly? It mainly has to do with the fact that you're putting yourself at risk of someone stealing your car or the exhaust possibly entering your home which causes carbon monoxide.
Here's When Your Child Can Ride In The Front Seat In MA
Here's When Your Child Can Ride In The Front Seat In MA
Here's When Your Child Can Ride In The Front Seat In MA
Isn't the goal of every child to ride in the front seat? It's just so boring sitting in the back! Parenting a five and a seven year-old, these are some inquiries I have to deal with on a regular basis. "Dad, when can I ride in the front seat"...

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