
Survey:  Who is America Rooting for in the Super Bowl?
Survey: Who is America Rooting for in the Super Bowl?
Survey: Who is America Rooting for in the Super Bowl?
Who is America Rooting for in the Super Bowl? Interesting that in Massachusetts men want the Chiefs to win and woman are pulling for the 49ers.  Maybe the dimples of Jimmy G might have something to do with that. The survey was done by HouseMethod...
Parents Are you Getting Enough "Me Time"?
Parents Are you Getting Enough "Me Time"?
Parents Are you Getting Enough "Me Time"?
When you're thinking about having kids, all you hear from other parents is how wonderful it is.  Don't get me wrong, it can be great as long as you don't wear yourself down. Everyone needs some "me time",  but it looks like a lot of parents aren't or don't have the time in day the to have it...