Berkshire Residents Still Remember A Devastating TwisterBerkshire Residents Still Remember A Devastating Twister29 years ago, our listening area experienced severe weather in more ways than one!Ron CarsonRon Carson
Massachusetts Had the First Tornado Ever Recorded in U.S.Massachusetts Had the First Tornado Ever Recorded in U.S.The United States' first 'whirl-wind,' as they called tornadoes back in the day, was recorded right here in Massachusetts.Barry RichardBarry Richard
A Haunting Tragedy Is STILL In The Minds Of Berkshire ResidentsA Haunting Tragedy Is STILL In The Minds Of Berkshire ResidentsSouthern like weather conditions led to a deadly outcomeRon CarsonRon Carson
After 27 Years, This Tragedy Still Haunts Berkshire County To This DayAfter 27 Years, This Tragedy Still Haunts Berkshire County To This DayArea residents STILL remember this natural disaster that occurred over a quarter century agoRon CarsonRon Carson