It seems that COVID-19 takes over all parts of our lives in one form or another, and it can be a struggle to cope with the stress of having to deal with all of that, even if it is not affecting you so bad it may be to your family and people you know especially during this holiday season.
A new poll found more than a quarter of us use our car as a place to relax and escape. But that doesn't mean driving is a stress-free experience. Here are the most stressful things about driving, according to the survey.
Tough driving conditions. People ranked driving in sn
You can take this survey if you are 14 years of age or older AND you currently live in Massachusetts. Even if you did not have COVID-19, you can take this survey.
Since most of our lives have been affected some more than others because of COVID-19, I don't think anyone is leading their normal life right now. I am sure you have asked yourself, When will life go back to normal?