Adams Is Reopening Parks Today(6/25) With Some Restrictions
Last night, the Adams Board of Selectmen, with guidance from Code Enforcement Officer Mark Blaisdell, took the necessary steps to reopen parks and open spaces.
According to iBerkshires.com, back on March 29, the Board of Selectmen ordered all parks and open spaces closed until further notice because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The selectmen rescinded that order last night in accordance with Phase 2 of the state's reopening plan.
The reopening of parks does come with some stipulations. First, games or scrimmages will not be allowed. It will be practice only and groups will be limited to 12 participants including coaches.
Contact sports of any kind are still not allowed and practices of these must be conditioning only and still adhere to the guidelines set forth by the state Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Contact sports are, according to the EEA, sports "where ordinary play puts players in direct contact or close proximity", such as soccer, basketball, football, etc.
Any group looking to use Valley Street, Renfrew or Reid fields must fill out a facility use request and also have a health and safety plan in place. Paperwork can be found on the town website and the entire list of rules and regulations can be found on Mass.gov.
We thank iBerkshires.com for the update and to check out the full story, visit their website here.
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