BBPW Announces Berkshire County 2021 Scholarship Recipients
I've got GREAT news! The Berkshire Business & Professional Women (BBPW) is pleased to announce the recipients of its annual Career Advancement Scholarship Program. BBPW is proud to award a total of $20,000 in scholarships to 20 local women, after receiving a record number of applications for the 2021 program.
According to a media statement from BBPW, this year's recipients for the Career Advancement Scholarship Program include Denise Andre, Monica Bernal, Libby Boissy, Alyssa Dunham, Brittany Durand, Diana El Hariri Saie, Ashley Brooke Fox, Nicole Haas, Tara Jones-Nutting, Johanna Lenski, Erin Merrigan, Patricia Molina, Jennifer Parker, Doreen Perullo, Lisa Polidoro, Nataliia Riva, Joanna Nicole Rivera, Kristen Sparhawk, Laura Tubbs, and Jennifer Valente.
BBPW President Hannah DeLisle-Stall said this year’s scholarship recipients represent a wide variety of career goals and industries. DeLisle-Stall had this to say:
One of our goals this year was to serve a broader range of needs through our scholarship. We recognize that a traditional degree program is not the only way to advance one’s career, so we are pleased to award scholarships to women in diverse academic programs, those pursuing specialized certificates and licenses, as well as associates, bachelors and masters degrees.
The Career Advancement Scholarship Program has served Berkshire County women for nearly 30 years by advancing their academic and professional aspirations. Berkshire Business and Professional Women is a membership organization open and welcome to all women in the Berkshires. For more information, please email