Bennington Police Are Showing Their Pink For Cancer Awareness
Press release from the Bennington Police Dept.
Members of the Bennington Police Department and the Bennington Police Association will be wearing pink and blue during the months of October and November in an effort to raise cancer awareness throughout the Bennington Community.
Members of the Bennington Police Department and Bennington Police Association donated their own money to participate in this awareness campaign.
In addition to wearing pink and blue, male members will be allowed to grow facial hair and female members will wear additional pink items showing support.
With support from White Rocks Studio Design, a Bennington Police Department vehicle received cancer awareness graphics. This vehicle will be used during day to day operations by members of the patrol division. Please be on the lookout for this vehicle as you travel around Bennington.
Our goal is to raise awareness and remind community members about their health and to take preventive steps for early detection of all types of cancer. This includes mammograms, prostate exams, colonoscopies, physicals and screenings. We hope community members see a member of the department, police association or our marked police vehicle and are reminded to call their physician and schedule an appointment.
In addition to raising cancer awareness, members of the Bennington Police Association will be raising funds for cancer treatment and patient support. All proceeds will be donated to the Southwestern Vermont Regional Cancer Center in Bennington.
The money donated to the Cancer Center will be used toward the Cancer Center Patient Resource Fund.
A limited-edition Bennington Police Department patch will be available in exchange for a $10.00 donation. Members of the community may purchase a patch at the Police Department or by sending your donation to: Bennington Police Association Cancer Awareness, 118 South Street, Bennington, VT 05201.
In exchange for a $15.00 donation, the Bennington Police Association will also offer a pink Bennington Police Department cancer awareness shirt. Shirts may be ordered until October 13, 2020 and must be pre-paid.
Shirt orders must be sent to the Bennington Police Association at the address listed above. Please include shirt sizes and your phone number with your donation.
Working together, we will raise awareness and promote healthy lifestyles.

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