Can You Keep A Grocery Store Lobster As A Pet In Massachusetts?
I had no idea but It’s not uncommon for people to keep lobsters as pets. In fact, lobsters are a highly intelligent and interesting species and can make for hours of entertainment.
Brady Brandwood did his own experiment by buying a lobster from the local supermarket and did a video on what it takes to have a lobster as a pet, he named the lobster Leon. This guy also made his above-ground swimming pool into a koi pond.
Brady Brandwood/YouTube
If you just want some quick tips, in case you are wanting to have a lobster as a pet, check out the following.
Understand the species
There are numerous different species of lobster, but primarily only four are commonly found to thrive well in a tank environment.
Debelius lobster
Feather star squat lobster
Red lobster
Spiny lobster
Maine Lobsters
Canadian Lobsters
French Blue Lobsters
As you can see, these don’t fall into four breeds of lobster you would expect to see kept as a pet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t.
Grocery store lobsters tend to be either soft shells or hard shells, the shell isn't dictated by the breed, it is just a stage of the natural molting process of a lobster. Kinda Like soft shell crabs who are losing their old shell to grow bigger.
As a standard safety precaution, store-bought Lobsters will have their claws tied closed, with either sticky tape or elastic bands.
You’ll want to carefully remove these and appreciate that the claws may take some considerable time to be fully functional again. You may have to baby your pet lobster as is feeding it till it has better use of its legs and claws.
Lobsters generally will need quite a large tank. As a guideline, they suggest the tank should measure 5 times the length of the lobster as a minimum, the larger the tank the bigger your lobster will get
You can’t just buy a lobster from the grocery store and throw it in any old tank!
Look at it this way, a Lobster destined for the dinner table probably hasn’t had the best experience by the time it’s made it to the grocery store.
As a standard safety precaution, store-bought Lobsters will have their claws tied closed, with either sticky tape or elastic bands.
You’ll want to carefully remove these and appreciate that the claws may take some considerable time to be fully functional again.
So, there you have it, if you were wondering can you keep a grocery store lobster as a pet, the answer is yes!
A lot of folks say they would not recommend this.