Do These Words Deserve To Be In The Dictionary?
The way we talk today is changing the English language. For the better? I am not so sure but here goes.
Merriam-Webster just announced they're adding about 800 new words to their dictionary, and it's hard to believe that some of them have reached the level of "dictionary-worthy." Here are some of the highlights.
1. hangry (adjective), "irritable or angry because of hunger." people here at work get hangry all the time.
2. guac (noun), "guacamole." I have used this one on occasion
3. rando (noun), "a random person."
4. Instagramming (verb), "to post a picture to the Instagram photo-sharing service."
5. bingeable (adjective), "having multiple episodes or parts that can be watched in rapid succession."
6. time suck (noun), "an activity to which one devotes a lot of time that might be better or more productively spent doing other things."
7. adorbs (adjective), "extremely charming or appealing."
8. TL;DR (abbreviation), "too long; didn't read."
So how many of these words do you use?