Exit 2.5 on the Mass Pike? MassDOT Sites 3 Potential New Exit Locations
Those of us who have made the drive on the Mass. Pike back to the Berkshires knows how disheartening it can be to make great time all the way to Exit 3 before realizing you have 30 miles to go before getting off the highway.
The good news, especially for those who need to get between Westfield and Lee, is that a plan is in the works to create a new exit on the Pike -- although it is something that won't come into fruition any time soon.
According to a report from MassLive, the Blandford maintenance yards, the nearby Blandford service plaza and Algerie Road in Otis are being discussed as potential landing spots for the new exit on the Mass. Pike. A group of individuals -- including state Rep. Smitty Pignatelli and state Senator Adam Hinds -- put language into a 2018 budget bill for the MassDOT to study and, possibly, build a new exit.
The study is still being done and nothing further can happen until it is complete. Once that is done, acquiring funding for the project would be the next step. With toll booths being a thing of the past, there looks to be a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
If all of the hurdles are leaped over, the MassDOT, according to the report, says that it would be "at least eight to 10 years" before the new exit would be build and it would cost in the neighborhood of $100 million and $120 million.
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