Garbage & Pet Poop Major Issues At Mt. Greylock Reservation
Believe it or not, this week is National Scoop the Poop Week. We know: On a scale from one to 10 of enjoyable things to do, picking up your dog’s poo-poo surprises probably ranks somewhere between zero and negative infinity.
With that said, a lot of visitors to Mt. Greylock have not been doing their part when they bring their pets to Mt. Greylock. isn't it the rule when you go to any park you pick up your pet's poop?
With melting snow on Mt. Greylock, it has been brought to the attention of Park Superintendent Travis Clairmont that there is a large amount of trash and pet poop throughout the state reservation. reports that Clairmont said in his report Thursday to the Mount Greylock Advisory Council.
"With the rapid snowmelt this year an amount of trash magically appeared over a two-week period, It is demoralizing to our staff ... and it is absolutely disgusting."
He also said that trash and dog poop can be found at essentially every trailhead and parking area in and around the reservation. Claremont also said that the problem is so bad that some parking lots you can't even walk through with all of the trash and dog feces
Other Council members agreed that they too noticed an influx of trash.
Mark Jester, of the state Department of Conservation and Recreation, said the park did have a lot of visitors this winter and that it is a sad situation because the staff work so hard to keep it clean. He said DCR used to provide plastic dog poop bags but he was not confident this was the answer. He felt signage could help matters. Clairmont felt outreach and education would be good
Mt. Greylock is planning to open the mountain roads on May 22, weather permitted, and Bascom lodge will also reopen, backcountry campsites will remain closed.
Clairmont did say that the beacon on the memorial tower was malfunctioning but has been repaired. He said the light is controlled by a solar cell and a timed clock that is difficult to get to, especially in the winter.