It’s Okay Not To Be Okay During These Difficult Times.
This information comes from the Berkshire United Way
How are you staying connected and supported while navigating these often uncertain and uniquely challenging times for our community? with everything going on in our lives right now, you may be stressing out, not feeling like yourself.
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay during these difficult times.
Just know that we are all walking this path together.
You are not alone.
As a community, we are coming together to make sure that our neighbors have the information and resources that can help during these difficult times.
We encourage you to:
Connect with a friend or family member.
Connect with a faith leader or faith community of your choice, in-person, by phone, or on social media.
Connect with a support group or a local mental health provider.
Call NAMI’s (National Alliance on Mental Illness) toll-free helpline at 800-950-6264
Or, in the event of an emergency, you can reach out to the Crisis Team at Brien Center by calling, 413-499-0412 or call 911.
You Are Not Alone! If you find you need help with this information or want more, you can reach out to:
· Northern Berkshire United Way - 413-663-9062 or visit our website
· Northern Berkshire Community Coalition - 413-663-7588
· Northern Berkshire COVID-19 Operations Center 413-662-3614