In breaking news, dozens of Massachusetts State Troopers have handed in their resignations as a result of the state's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, according to the State Police Association of Massachusetts Troopers(SPAM) union.

WWLP/News 22 Springfield reports Massachusetts is requiring all executive department employees to show proof of vaccination by October 17, or risk losing their jobs. SPAM had previously requested that the vaccine mandate be postponed, but a judge ruled against that request last week.

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Michael Cherven, State Police Association President, said in a statement:

It is unfortunate that the Governor and his team have chosen to mandate one of the most stringent vaccine mandates in the country with no reasonable alternatives.

Cherven made it abundantly clear that troopers should have "reasonable alternatives" to being required to be vaccinated such as being tested on a regular basis and wearing face masks.

Meanwhile, Governor Charlie Baker reiterated that the reason for the vaccine mandate is because he thinks it’s important for state officials who interact directly with the public to be vaccinated given the data showing that the vaccines greatly reduce the risk of infection and death.

Baker has stressed the importance of the mandate, saying it will help Massachusetts lead the nation in vaccinations. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, almost 75% of Bay State residents are fully vaccinated.

In the media statement, Chervin went on to say:

Throughout COVID, we have been on the front lines protecting the citizens of Massachusetts and beyond. Simply put, all we are asking for are the same basic accommodations that countless other departments have provided to their first responders, and to treat a COVID-related illness as a line of duty injury.

It will be interesting to see where and how this developing situation will end up. For more on the story, please visit WWLP's website here.

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