Boy, before you know it, we'll be right back to the early stages of the pandemic. Or, it'll seem like it, at least. MassLive reports that now residents in 12 of the 14 counties in the Bay State are recommended to wear masks indoors regardless of their vaccination status.

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, the transmission rate of COVID-19 is now considered to be "high" or "substantial" in more than half of the state's 14 counties. Residents of Barnstable and Nantucket counties are considered to be the most at risk.

Because transmission rates are high or substantial for coronavirus, there are now 12 out of 14 Massachusetts counties where it's recommended that people wear masks indoors even if they're vaccinated.

Just this past Monday, the CDC updated the covid transmission map to nine counties. This means that in that short span of time, they've already added three more. Only Hampshire and Franklin counties are not on the list, as of now.

Transmission data from the CDC is a combination of new cases by population and positivity rate. Updated data shows new COVID cases rose 46% last week over the previous week to 4,869 new cases.

For more on the story, please visit MassLive's website here.

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Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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