NBCC And Berkshire SuperGenarians Present Fall Forum
Here's some cool news for seniors! The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition (nbCC) and Berkshire SuperGenarians (BSG) will be co-hosts for Growing Stronger Together, an online forum that will cover topics of great importance to older Berkshire County residents and their loved ones.
From the Press Release Courtesy of Northern Berkshire Community Coalition:
nbCC and Berkshire SuperGenarians Present Fall 2020 Forum:
Growing Stronger Together
Forum to be held via Zoom on October 9 from 10:00 am-noon
WHAT: In two hours, Growing Stronger Together participants will come away with the tools to take better care of themselves, the strategies to put them in motion, and the knowledge to develop and/or maintain their fitness to achieve quality longevity.
WHO: Speakers include Dr. Mark Pettus and Dr. Alex Sabo; nbCC Executive Director Amber Besaw and BSG Co-Founder Mary Jane Incorvia Mattina will cohost.
WHEN: Friday, October 9, from 10:00am-noon.
WHERE: This event will be held virtually via Zoom at bit.ly/nbccOctForum, thanks to generous support from the City of North Adams. Pre-registration is not required.
Health and the Application of Mind-Body Science: In his presentation, Dr. Pettus will provide a translation of current consciousness and neuroscience research that opens new understandings of how our minds influence every aspect of our health and experience of life. Practical tools for leveraging the power of one’s mind to improve health will be shared. Q&A will follow.
Resilience and Managing Stress: Four Tools for Your Toolkit: Resilience and its tools are methods for managing intensity and staying healthy with the stresses that inevitably come our way as we each participate in the flow of life. Dr. Sabo will introduce a map of resilience practice, and then we will practice three other tools that often help: breath; witnessing our experience with curiosity, no judgment and no need to change a thing; and gentle movement. Q&A will follow.
Dr. Mark Pettus is a triple-board certified Internist, Nephrologist, and Integrative Medicine physician practicing for over 25 years. He received his A.B. from Boston University and his M.D. from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. His postdoctoral training was at Harvard Medical School. He completed his renal fellowship at The Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Pettus currently serves as the Director of Wellness, Population Health and Community Care at Berkshire Health Systems. He is an Associate Professor of Medicine at The University of Massachusetts Medical School. He is the author of two books, The Savvy Patient: The Ultimate Advocate for Quality Health Care and It’s All in Your Head: Change Your Mind, Change Your Health. And he is the host of The Health Edge podcast (www.thehealthedgepodcast.com)
Dr. Alex Sabo received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University and his medical degree from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He is presently the Director of Medical Education and the Program Director, Adult Psychiatry Residency Training, at Berkshire Medical Center. He is also Associate Dean of Medical Education, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School. He is a Kripalu-trained yoga instructor.
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