Check Out The Normal Odd Jobs Celebrities Had Before They Were A Star
Sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around that maybe your favorite celebrity would work a normal job, cause hey, before they became famous they would be considered regular people who had to pay for rent, utilities, and credit card bills with normal jobs like "working at McDonald's," "praying mantis exterminator," and "armadillo murderer.
So We would like to share with want some of the jobs that celebrities had before they hit the big time.
She is known now as Harley Quinn and working with big actors like Leonardo Decaprio and Brad Pitt. Margot Robbie,before she made it big she worked at Subway.
Before Ashton Kutcher got his gig on That 70's show he used to be a cereal sweeper at a grocery store, that's right a breakfast cereal sweeper.
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We had that Taylor Swift lived on a Christmas tree farm, but she also worked on that farm as a Praying Mantis exterminator. She said in an interview with Esquire back in 2014 that she was picking the praying-mantis pods off of the trees, collecting them so that the bugs wouldn't hatch inside people's houses," Embed from Getty ImagesBrad Pitt the man in The chicken suit, Brad Pitt's very first job when he got to Hollywood was at an El Pollo Loco chicken restaurant, where he had to stand outside in a chicken costume and wave at passing would-be customers. Embed from Getty ImagesEmbed from Getty Images
Matthew McConaughey used to be an armadillo murderer Matthew's first job was at the Oak Forest Country Club in Longview, Texas. He got paid to rake the sand traps on the golf course, but he later got conscripted by the greenskeeper to shoot armadillos who were eating the grass on the grounds. Embed from Getty Images
Can You Smell what the Rock is Cleaning! Dwayne Johnson, dishwasher though he's now one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, He tweeted that his first job was working as a dishwasher at age 13, from 3 to 11:30 p.m.
I don't think I would ever want this job but hey Danny DeVito did and that was Styling Dead People's Hair The tiny actor worked as a hairstylist one summer. Though he loved the perks of the job (the girls), He started working at a local mortuary styling the hair of dead people, it got a little creepy for him.
Talk about being a cold caller on the phone, Johnny Depp back in the day, the superstar pushed ballpoint pens on the phone. he would call people and promise them a wonderful big prize like a trip if they would buy a handful of pens. However, Depp's guilt led him to abandon the job, though he credits the gig as his first insight into acting. Embed from Getty Images
You Go, Helen! Helen Mirren Was a Carnie Before she played royalty, Dame Helen Mirren worked at the Kursaal Amusement Park trying to attract people to come onto the various rides. In the US we'd call her a "barker."
And then we have Christopher Walken who used to have a job as a lion tamer Embed from Getty Images

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