Get Ready For The Clocks To Fall Back.
Are you ready for a time change? Not that anyone is in a rush to see Daylight Saving Time come to an end, especially considering how much earlier and earlier its getting dark these afternoons.
Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, Nov. 4, at 2 a.m. here in the Berkshires. At that time you should set your clocks, watches and any old digital devices back to 1 a.m. For those who go to sleep before midnight, you'll want to change your clocks Saturday night before heading off to bed.
Daylight Saving Time is observed everywhere in the U.S. except Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Arizona.
There has been a lot of talk lately that maybe we should stay on Daylight Saving time year round. Last year, According to, a Massachusetts commission considering changing the Bay State's time zone recommended keeping Daylight Saving Time year-round, as long as a majority of Northeast states also wanted to.
Meanwhile in Florida the state Legislature this year overwhelmingly voted to keep Daylight Saving Time year-round, and the bill was signed by Gov. Rick Scott. But Florida has to change to standard time with everyone else next weekend because only Congress can OK keeping Daylight Saving Time year-round, and that hasn't happened so far for Florida.