MTA Says Victory For Teachers Eligible For COVID Vaccine
Starting March 11, 400,000 Massachusetts teachers K through 12, child care workers, and school staff will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
According to a story reported on by WWLP/22 News Springfield, the state is falling in line with the Biden-Harris administration in calling for all school employees to be vaccinated by the end of the month. And it’s just in time, as Governor Charlie Baker is pushing to get elementary students back to in-person learning by April.
Merrie Najimy, president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, said, "We are finally making progress and starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve had thousands of educators and school employees in-person since September. Their minds need to be put at ease that they will be far more protected. And for those coming into the schools full in person soon, they need that same peace of mind.”
The MTA has been calling on the state to follow the CDC guidelines for school districts, which include on-site access to vaccines and regular COVID-19 testing.
Massachusetts educators will be able to go to any of the state’s 170 vaccination sites to receive their doses. Gov. Baker said he’s working to set aside one day each week just for educators.
It is estimated that it could take a month for all eligible people to secure the first appointment, because of vaccine supply constraints and the number of eligible people for vaccines.
For more on the story, please check out WWLP/22 News' website here and we thank them for the update.
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