What People Are Buying Since The Pandemic Is Winding Down
It seems like at the beginning of the pandemic we were all dropping a ton of money on toilet paper and cleaning supplies. But now it seems as we are looking at things differently, New priorities are shifting as things open back up.
The good news is, there aren’t shortages of these products, like the ones we faced last year, you would go into a store and there would no toilet paper matter of fact everything would be all and any paper products would be cleaned out.
Luggage, up 400% from last year. I can attest to the popularity of suitcases, went shopping before our trip down to see our son and his family, and the selection on luggage was lacking. All travel-related products are selling well right now.
People are getting ready to get out and mingle more which means looking good, Teeth whitening strips, and beauty products. They've been one of the biggest sellers in the past few months according to Walmart. Also, the next four items that folks are all about looking.
Hope that everyone who you invite to your party, has been vaccinated, Sales of party supplies have more than doubled. And check this out people are giving a lot of love to ballons too. Balloons sales are up 50%.
New clothing, especially warm weather clothes. They're up 60% from last year.
Razors and other shaving-related products. For both men and women.
Safety first people! glad so many people have aspirations of a fun summer, Condoms, and other sexual health products, up 32%.
But here's our favorite product that's selling: Walmart says it sold twice as many alarm clocks last month compared to a year ago. I guess people finally need them again. I on the other hand like to use my alarm on my phone.